Tuesday 27 March 2012

Pre-Production Unit - Character breakdowns - Vic Delaney

Vic Delaney

Vic is Ashley’s partner in crime and boyfriend. At five feet seven inches tall the Australian is barely an inch taller then Ashley, with a wiry muscular build and the persona of a fighting man. His arms are covered with tattoos and his rough-hewn, handsome face is topped off with a crew-cut hair-do. His clothes add to his military persona; his usual attire consists of a combat jacket over a black T-shirt, baggy khaki chinos and what could have been black marching boots. His accent is a hybrid of Australian and that of a South Londoner.

Despite his violent temperament and criminal record, it seems he is really in love with Ashley and allows her to be with other men in order for them to rip them off. It seems all he really wants is to get back to Australia with the one he loves.

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