Tuesday 27 March 2012

Pre - Production Unit - Character Breakdowns - Alison Vosper

Alison Vosper

Assistant chief constable Alison Vosper is Grace’s boss and has been nicknamed No.27 by one of Grace’s colleagues. No.27 is a sweet and sour dish on the local Chinese takeaway menu, and that’s exactly what she is – sweet and sour.

In her early forties, with wispy blonde hair cut conservatively short, and framing a hard but attractive face with her powerful floral scent, Alison is not to be messed with. Often power-dressed in black two-piece suits and crisp white blouses Alison keeps a wall around herself. Nonetheless, behind her hard-cop carapace, there is a certain vulnerability to her. At times her waspish brown eyes twinkle with humour in a flirtatious way that reveals this.

Often found sitting behind her polished rosewood desk in her immaculate ground floor office in the Queen Anne police headquarters, with its view across a trimmed lawn. Her desk always almost bare except for a slim crystal vase containing three purple tulips, framed photographs of her husband (a police officer several years older, but three ranks her junior) and her two children, an ammonite pen holder and a stack of the morning’s newspapers fanned out like a triumphant poker hand.

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