Tuesday 27 March 2012

Pre-Production Unit - Character breakdowns - Cleo Morey

Michael Harrison

Michael Harrison has always been the natural leader, if as they say, the secret of life is to choose your parents wisely, Michael has ticked plenty of the right boxes. He has inherited his mother’s fair good looks and his father’s charm and entrepreneurial spirit, but without any of the self-destruct genes that had eventually ruined the man.

From the age of 12, when his father gassed himself in the garage of the family home, leaving behind a trail of debtors, Michael had grown up fast, helping his mother make ends meet by doing a paper round, then when he was older by taking labouring jobs in his holidays. He grew up with an appreciation of how hard it was to make money – and how easy it was to fritter it.

Now, at twenty-eight, he is smart, a decent human being, and a natural leader of the pack. If he had flaws, it was that he is too trusting and on occasions, too much of a prankster.

Hopelessly in love with his fiancée Ashley, Michael cannot wait to marry her and share his life with her.

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