Tuesday 27 March 2012

Pre-Production Unit - Character breakdowns - Mark Warren

Mark Warren

Mark is Michael’s business partner and best friend since their teens. Unlike his business partner’s sloppy dress sense, Mark is fastidious over his appearance. His neat, fair hair and his too conservatively cut clothes for his 28 years always look pristine and brand new, straight off the rail. He likes to think that the world sees him as a gentrified entrepreneur, but in reality, in any group of people, he invariably stands out as the man who looks as if he is there to sell them something.

He drives a BMW X5, although dreams of a Ferrari 360, and lives in a very sought after apartment building on the Brighton sea front. An imposing, modern Deco-style building with a bunch of celebrities among the residents, if you live in the Van Alen building you are a somebody, if you are a somebody, that means you are rich. All his life, Mark has had just one goal – to be rich.

But Mark is not all he seems, he has always been fiercely jealous of Michael and is sleeping with Ashley behind Michaels back, and they are planning to run off with his money and share of the company after their impending marriage. So when the stag night plan goes wrong, Mark is the only person who knows where Michael is but keeps it to himself.

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