Tuesday 7 February 2012

Dissertation Time.

Hello bloggy!

Right so, 3rd year = dissertation time - scary! I swear I only started first year the other day...

Anyway, I spent the christmas period trying to come up with an idea as what to write my dissertation on. It was very daunting, I hate the 'ideas' stage! So I thought the best thing to do was to get myself down to the library and have a browse of the aisles. I then came across a book called "Philosophy through Film"and 'ping' a light switched on. I did Philosophy at A level and I loved it, in fact its the only subject in which I kept all my textbooks and folders of work on. (handy) So I searched and got out 5 books in total that were relevant and started thinking of how I can narrow the huge, mend-bending subject of Philosophy down and relevant to a media dissertation.

I am aiming to focus my dissertation on Free Will and Determinism, looking at films like "The Matrix", "Inception", "Memento", "Total Recall" and "Being John Malkovich" and how film may determine ones free will and whether or not film has a moral responsibility to the viewer when displaying philosophical ideas of reality or personal identity.

Neo- "Why do my eyes hurt?"
Morpheus- "Because you have never used them."

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