Monday, 17 October 2011

Final Major Project - first draft/attempt script, but it will be better!





Unfortunately, being a student you have to learn to limit your fun (ds) or be broke and very hungry.

(money floating down, shower of money)

(shaking empty money tin)

(money pictures/graphics)

As well as nailing…your studies! You have to nail your finances.

Sexual innuendo (him clicking off a porn site) winking face.

All you have to do is make sure you got more coming in than going out.

Eating monies – puking monies.

Money food and money sick.

Stick to what’s necessary; FUN, FOOD and errr a home??

Want a TV? No! That’s £150 saved!

Show 4od or something of that nature on the computer screen

Run out of electricity? Save money by going to uni.

Sat in the dark, candle, sad face. Hat and coat.

Sat at uni, computer, warm, cup of tea, happy face!

Got a fancy dress party coming up? Make your own costume. £50 saved!

Gluing, etc, crap outfit…. thumbs up!

Don’t ‘take out’ – ‘make out’!

Throw the take out leaflets, kiss the camera.

A kiss/lips

Don’t pay for your rubber lover, find the local family planning clinic!

Hold up bought box with price tag, then the paper bag (free) eyebrow lift.

Take advantage of fresher’s fayre, get a load of free crap!

A bag of free stuff, pulling out something and being very excited about it!

Flirt around the broadband providers, get the cheapest deal!

Virgin, Sky, Talk Talk, BT, Orange, tescos etc, image on computer screen

You’re a student! don’t pay for council tax!

A UCA exemption letter

Use your head; divide your loan money into allowances – rent, bills, food and FUN!

Using a calculator or student, scratching his head! (fun money remaining - £5)

Now, run free young padowans! Spend Wisely!


Final Major Project - Update

Our 15 videos's content.


Outgoings vs Incomings.
Make sure your outgoings don't exceed your incomings. Overdrafts. Stick to the necessities i.e. No TV license required.


Know your overdraft (Make sure you know you won't go over your limit before spending)
How to get discounts (NUS, rail etc)
Food Shopping online vs shop.


Basic Cooking Skills
Pasta, Rice, Eggs, Potatoes.

FOOD (2)

Social Meal (such as fajitas / curry/ stir fry.
OR Home cooking meal (comfort food)


Time Management, draw up a schedule, make it big and visual.
Be creative but organized.
Include, Uni, playtime, home work time and other activities.


Landlords. EXTREME. Caricature of everything you might face with a landord.
Charging for everything, Take pics when doing the inventory with them. Be serious about it, it's exciting moving into a house for the first time but make sure you take it seriously to avoid missing something. Clean. When stuff breaks. Read contract!


Dentists and Docs (What happens when if you don't sign up for your health services.
+ Generally looking after yourself.


What to take with you. (I.e. cheap cookware, no Tefal)


Coping without family. Missing them and looking after yourself. Get skype.


Having a job as a student.

Do you need one?
Finding one.
Keeping a job, maintaining student life and uni work.


Staying safe. Convert set into bar?


Sharing chores and bills
Getting along and respecting others.
Protect belongings and food.


Procrastination Cure
Him/Her demonstrate.


Research and canvas. Pick the best to demonstrate or explain.



Work based learning - last day blues!

Thrursday was my last day at cherryduck, and I was a bit sad! I got them all a thank you card, and they were so lovely, they said I can go back anytime I like, if there is a cool shoot going on or anything I am welcome to come along!

I really enjoyed my work placement, although it was so very tiring (most days were pretty much 8am-8pm, if not longer, which was a shock to my system) but I learnt so much, and was able to apply everything I have learnt to real life situations. Kim (the producer) took me under her wing and she also told me that she thinks I would be a great documentary researcher! Although I don't think I want to do that..its nice to know I guess!
I also drove there twice in the last week!! I dont drive on the motorway as I'm a scare'dy cat, but I know that working in this industry I am going to HAVE to drive places, trains are far to expensive and time consuming, so I overcame my fear and I drove into east london!!!
I'm so glad that I found this as my work experience, I got to experience pre production, production and post production, all in one building and how these things effect a business. It was a great place to work in and I hope that I do go back!!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Work Based Learning Unit - update

Last week was my last week at Cherryduck, and although I supposed to go out on another 5D shoot, it got postponed :( So last week was just an office week, where Kim had me doing things for her.
They recently bought a huge server, before that they were all working from hard drives, which caused a lot of problems as they kept having to switch computers. So, Kim had me go through all the hard drives and export all there projects and save them on the server. I also had to go through and make clean edits of everything, so taking off all music, graphics and cutaways so we ended up with just clean pieces to camera. It was nice for me to work on final cut as i could get to grips with it again and I learnt a few more shortcuts.

She also had me doing some research on fashion bloggers, seeing what kind of video content they had. I also had to go through a selection of stills they did at an Olympic event, select good ones and send them to the client.

In other news! Alex was editing the shoot we did in Chelsea with the 5D and some of my footage was in there!! We said he will get it compressed and email me so that I can put it up on here!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Final Major Project Unit - misc

This is just a video I had seen before, and I like the animation in it, but I think we need to learn how to do it first!

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Work Based Learning Unit- update and PLEA TO SIMON!

So, Thursday, Alex and I went to a shoot in Chelsea, aside from the fact that we sat in the car for a total of 6 hours because of horrendous traffic (3hrs there, 3 hrs back), it was an amazing day!
Simon, you will be thrilled to hear that it completely changed my attitude and fear towards 'the dreaded camera/technology'. We used a Canon 5D, and this is my plea to you - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we get one?! They are absolutely AMAZING!! They literally produce the most beautiful footage and I found it so much easier to use than our EX's. And for me to get excited about a camera is amazing in itself. Alex let me film loads of stuff that day, and I also did all the sound recording, as the 5D's don't have the ability to record sound.
The shoot itself was a photo-shoot for Westfield again, and Alex and I were doing a behind the scenes, we were in a photographer's studio, which was an awesome space, and he was also really cool (Ted Humble-Smith). It was a much more chilled day than the commercial shoot, and there were a lot less people.
I feel like I have been able to apply the theory we have learnt at uni to real life situations. Although I knew all terms and camera technicalities, I feel now, I can actually do them, if that makes sense? As you know, I have always been afraid of the camera, and not had confidence to use it but this day really, really helped me through this fear, and I absolutely loved it. I also found the zoom on the 5D so much easier and found myself doing wicked focus pulls. Once the footage has been edited, I will upload the film and point out if any shots used were my own.

Last ditch attempt - PLEASE PLEASE can we get a 5D :)

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Work Based Learning Unit - update

Yesterday we had a shoot in the studio, it was a photo - shoot and a behind the scenes video and video interview- for Bio Oil. I got to see them in action and help out with a few things, but I was mainly in the offices, still working on the online video content research. I have done women's mags, men's mags, music mag's, car's, PR etc to seek out potential clientele. I am learning that a lot of the online video content on a lot of websites, is pretty crap! It feels like companies want to jump on the multi media, virtual, digital-ness of our era, but it seems for a lot of companies, it comes as an after thought, something the shove on the webpage to say they have done it. For example, I found a how to video on the marie claire website that could have been shot on a phone, by a child it was so awful. So there is a massive market there, which some companies, for example Look Magazine, have really caught onto, and their online videos are fantastic.

Tomorrow, I think Alex and I are out on a shoot for Westfield, so i'll update you on that then!

But for today, its more research!