Friday 2 September 2011

Major Project Unit- Research

I think I may research deeper into documentary commissions as I feel I have a particular interests in that area.


Documentaries - What we're looking for...

Documentaries for the BBC should engage with the here and now, and challenge the audience to broaden their horizons or see their world from different perspectives. We're particularly interested in how we might make more traditional docs subjects modern and relevant, rather than worthy or predictable. On the whole we're quite flexible with slots and shapes, so please be inventive and don't self-censor too much - the best ideas will find the best slots.

there is an interesting video on this link-


Docs on THREE engage with subjects and issues that matter to a young but broad BBC3 audience.

Think both about the most important issues for a young adult audience (16-24 at its core and 16-34 at its broadest), and about their perspective on the issues that affect us all.

On one side of our slate, the stories are compelling and often intimate - the extraordinary personal stories of ordinary people.

On the other, this is THE place for docs to be entertaining, bold and upfront in style and tone to break through to future docs audiences.

Whatever the idea, a punchy title that will capture the attention on the EPG is crucial.
This kind of programming is driven by originality, so we're flexible here.


Provocative formats and social experiments are big brand building properties for the channel.

In some of our docs we are looking for mischief, humour, and challenge - with plenty of opportunity for ob-docs content. This audience gets lots of entertainment from people-watching but the best ideas also challenge the way young people live their lives. Think about the central question at the core of any proposition. What is the purpose? If the purpose is clear, ideas can be thought-provoking.

Our goal on BBC TWO is to be recognised as the home of documentaries. This means that diversity and range of ideas, voices and tone are prerequisite across the slate.

Documentaries should make BBC TWO feel relevant and modern - populating the channel with compelling real lives, interests and concerns.

To manage our commissions, we split the slate into entertaining and immersive ideas that explore better ways to live your life on one side, and modern provocative, challenging and contemporary subjects on the other.

In particular, we're looking to strengthen our reputational docs about modern life. These one offs and series should simultaneously inspire and challenge viewers to reappraise their view on modern life and society.

Docs on ONE play a key role in building both the distinctiveness and the broad appeal of ONE's factual output.

All titles should have broad mainstream appeal, and have the ability to both entertain and inform along the way.

They should also be rooted in the present tense and the national mindset, telling the strong human stories behind the big national headlines and dominant social issues.

Though they should have an accessible entry point for a broad audience, at the same time, they shouldn't be afraid of tackling important issues or of innovating with modern new shapes and concepts.

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