Tuesday 22 February 2011


Monday 21 February 2011

Pitchy Pitchy

The pitch for AS live is on thursday this week! I have been preparing and expanding my ideas, and im chuffed because I had an idea today that I really like; for the VT inserts, I would like to do some kind of driving or parking challenge! Its the age old battle of who is the better driver, man or woman?! (insurance premiums alone are proof that the latter rules the road (: )
Also, some kind of map or direction reading task, and perhaps some kind of mult-tasking task.

Had a look through the star now website and have jotted down a few names that I would love to contact if I were commissioned. It felt weird though... trolling through peoples headshots, felt like a stalker...

Last week I made lists of stereotypical male and female jobs:


  • Bulider
  • Doctor
  • Lawyer
  • Acountant
  • Policeman
  • Fireman
  • Postman
  • Milkman
  • Bin man
  • Chef
  • Actor
  • Waiter
  • Manager/Owner
  • Barber
  • Mechanic/ Car repairs/ Sales
  • Delivery driver
  • Plumber
  • Electrician
  • Miner
  • Lorry driver
  • Doorman
  • Undertaker
  • Butcher
  • Banker
  • Factory worker
  • Scientist
  • Engineer
  • Surgeon
  • Psychologist
  • Footballer
  • Taxi Driver
  • I.T technician


  • Secretary
  • Receptionsist
  • Homemaker/Mother
  • Nurse
  • Shop assistant
  • Model
  • Actress
  • Air hostess
  • Teacher
  • PA
  • Bakery
  • Jewellery shop
  • Seamstress
  • Laundry
  • Maid/Cleaner
  • Tutor
  • Nanny
  • Counsellor
  • Social Worker
  • Librarian
  • Dental nurse/assistant
  • Florist
  • Hairdresser
  • Beautician/ Make up
  • Dancer
  • Wedding/Party Planner
  • Admin assistant
  • Cashier
  • Book keeping
  • Waitress
  • Midwife
  • Stripper
  • Interior design
  • Childcare

I also have a list of quiz questions, but I have run out of time as I have a tutorial with Helen now, so I shall update you later!

Friday 11 February 2011

AS live

Yesterday Hans came in to talk to us about our as live projects. It was very useful as we all shared ideas we have been having. I found it helpful as the idea I had been sitting on, well, i thought it was quite crap, but by sharing it with the others and getting their feedback, I felt a lot more confident about it. Basically, I've come up with an idea for a kind of battle of the sexes show, where there would be two presenters, one male, one female, representing their sides. It would consist of quiz questions, and tasks. The tasks would be stereotypically 'male' tasks, i.e d.i.y and other such things, and stereotypically 'female' tasks, such as baking or ironing..? to be confirmed! I would also have an element of proffessions, for example, as an accountant trying hairdressing or something! I envisage a davina esque female presenter as this would be a loud and competive show, and she is very loud, and someone like James Corden as the male presenter as he is also like that.
But it is all to be developed!

Friday 4 February 2011

Back to reality

So back to uni!
Sorry it has taken me a while a to bloggy blog, I have moved this week and I dont get the wonderful worldwide web installed until tomorrow so have to do it whilst here in the studios.

I am SO excited for our fiction adaptation unit, I think most people would be more excited for the AS LIVE, which I am, however its quite daunting, whereas fiction adpatation is right up my street! We get to intertwine literature ( a love of mine ) into a script for television ( another love of mine! ) and its all just very exciting!

Not much has changed, except the injection of 16 newbies! Its weird! But we havnt really seen them much yet, so I look forward to getting to know them. Other changes are some new posters, and a new lift carpet, woohoo!

Over christmas I rewatched Inception as I got it for christmas and I just love it and a small sample of other christmas rubbish, along with now the much talked about big fat gypsy weddings, grabbing and non paying tax aside, its actually a really interesting watch, and I am so surprised that these gypsys allowed this documentary to happen, however so far there has been no men shown except some grooms and the young teens.

Helen has just shown us the bbc series Sherlock, my first experience of Sherlock, I have not seen any films or adaptations before or read any of the books. I really liked the series, its extremely clever and fast paced with some beautiful shots.

Well, until next time!