Thursday 18 February 2010

A Spaced treatment

This off-beat comedy drama is like no other. Following the lives of eccentric characters, you get a first hand look at their crazy goings-on in their seemingly normal lives.

hese 5 twenty somethings would appear to be like most people their age, but when government spies turn up at their local pub looking for Daisy and you see Mike roaming around at night in his army get up and guns you can immediately tell that their lifestyles are perhaps not so normal or dull after all.

Fun humour and slapstick sketches make relatable, amirable characters It's beer, drugs and a hilarious mock n roll shooting game.

The real shooting locations and attention to detail really gives this story about 5 20 somethings just living in London, a real edge and a quality of humour which is quite rare.

1 comment:

  1. this is a good attempt. Most it reads like a pitch, then the last line makes it more like a "review". Needs a little more depth to work as an outline. The style of writing you use is spot on, just need more of it. In an outline you should outline all the characters and what makes them unique. You don't mention Tim at all... something to work on for your own treatments.
