Wednesday 30 March 2011


Cat and I went to the Dog & Gun last night- it could NOT have gone ANY better! When we got there and spoke to Leslie, she told us that she did have people in mind and introduced us to a man named Ant and his friends. It turns out that Ant has loads of experience, he has been a radio dj on invicta, ctr & kmfm, he has also had his own show on channel 4 and has a showreel on youtube. Also, all 3 of the guys that we hope will be in one of our teams have all worked at the maidstone studios and know lots of people there, they even worked on 'the door' with us!! so weird! they were all really up for it, all had free schedules to do it and were great, confident and quirky characters! and were really interested in what we are doing - woohoo!

Also, Ant said that we should aim higher for a host but if we couldnt get one, he would be more than happy to do it, he has done comedy and presenting before, and he also asked a girl he knows who is an actress if she would be in the team if he was hosting and she said that would be fine.

1 comment:

  1. this is all sounds OK.... but make get it down in writing, proper commitments. sounds all a bit matey at the moment
