Wednesday 10 March 2010

Soft Trailer


  1. We were given the short film "Soft" by Simon Ellis, and after a workshop on final cut pro, were asked to cut our own 1 minute trailer for it. Now, personally, this task is the one I have found the hardest so far, my aversion to computers in general probably didnt help, especially evil Macs, as to me, they are "the unknown". Anyway, I also found final cut pro itself and evil genius that did wonderful things, but also evil to fathom, in short- i didnt understand most of it! But I stuck at it and am quite proud of my finished product, especially because when i usually dont understand something, I give up! But I got there in the end and here is my trailer...

  2. This is a really good effort, Casey. Considering you mainly worked on your own and had a lot of tech issues - it's great that you pushed through with it. This is the attitude that will get you a long way on the course and in life! Intelligent use of music that sets up a really disturbed feeling. Good selection of shots that draws you in. Think it needs work on use of graphics and perhaps more of a story hint... ie where will the story end?

  3. This trailer was a really strong, gritty feel to it which gave me a real sense of the mood of the film. I think the music adds to this and there is a definite 'style' to the trailer. I know using FCP is a massive learning curve but I think you mastered some key basic skills and most importantly have overcome your fears so well done! Technically it can only get better - keep on trying things through trial and error but, most importantly, ensure the story telling is strong - trailers do not need to tell the entire story but rather to 'TEASE' the audience and entice them to want to know more - food for thought? A really good start- a brave bit of editing and refreshing as it was not too literal or obvious. Well done!
