Sunday 15 April 2012

Pre-Production Unit

I realise I have neglected blogging a bit this week as I have been head deep in dissertation but I do have lots to blog about!

Okay, so the first week of easter, Cat, Dylan and I took another trip to brighton to shoot our trailer/teaser footage. We went down the beach, under the pier and around the front to shoot and get stills for the posters. We also tried shooting from a high up car park roof, but the car park police told us off, we weren't allowed to film up there :( We then went off the shoreham habour (a location in the book) and got some more footage and then to more 'grotty' looking houses around brighton, to get a feel for the 'real' brighton and contrast it to the tourist pretty beach front.
It was a great trip and we got some great stuff.

Then last saturday night Cat and I went into Barming woods to film some more for the trailer/teaser and it was every eventful! Firstly I had to pull my car into a very dodgey track as we wanted the scene to be lit by car headlights like the book/script describes, as we were taking sound and waiting for the sun to set we noticed that were some very strange debris around this particular part of woods, there were lots and lots of disregarded and partly buried clothes, debris of what looked like a very bad car crash or as I proposed 'insurance fraud' also partly buried in the mud. There was also a carpet which we were too frightened to lift in case there was a dead body underneath. (we were filming a mock up burial for a crime novel, our imaginations were in overdrive)
But the shoot was great, the new sound case blimp thingy-mi-bobby was awesome, all sounds were crystal clear, we made sure we got a lot of stomping, walking, digging, car door/engine and just general woods noises for the trailer soundtrack. We also played with shadows from the headlights and shakey OTH shots (hoping it doesnt come out too blair witch)
So by this time it was pitch black and we were in the middle of a secluded wood, and with the CSI scene around us and being two girls alone, we'd started to feel a bit creeped out. This is then topped off by a car slowing coming down the tracks and Cat and I absolutely terrified that we are about to be murdered, I near enough shove Cat and the kit in the car shouting "Oh my god, just get in the car cat, get in the car!!!"
We are sat nervously in the car, not really knowing what to do, when Cat exclaims "Its the Police!" So for the second time on this project we've had a run in with the police, which is very ironic as our project is pretty much about the police. But he was very nice and said he just wondered what a car was doing down there. So the moral of the story is, don't overwork your imagination and maybe take a boy with you into the secluded dark woods. Oh, and to add to the horror movie cliche, my mobile was dead!

ANYWHO, the agent I contacted about Felicity Jones never got back to me :( I am going to try again and some others but my IMDB Pro account expired the other day so I was going to borrow one of the other guys login and emails to get a new one :)
Next on the list is editing the trailer/teaser and getting all the location stills from the 7D that Dylan has.

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