Monday 26 April 2010

Law abiding citizen

I watched the film "Law abiding citizen" with Gerard Butler and Jamie Fox last night and - wow! It's the best film i've seen for a while! I really liked it! It had an excellent, dare I say realistic; portrayal of the corrupt justice system- the fact that a judge in America would flippantly free a murderer because they didn't have enough evidence, or the fact that she jailed a man that murdered and raped a woman and killed a child for only 3 years was hard hitting. It was also one of those films where the good guy turns into the bad guy, but the audience still quite like him or understand him.
I also watched "The Box" the other day with Cameron Diaz, but that didn't quite have the same affect on me as "Law abiding citizen", it started out good, but became quite slow and far too complicated and out there, it turned rather silly if I'm honest. However, it did have a good portrayal of people and their morals and selfishness, people will do anything for money!

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