Tuesday 22 November 2011

WBL - I shot things in this video!

I did loads on this one!
The focus pull on the perfume bottle and sliver handbag and all the bits on the blue swirly thing and a bit of the girl sat working on the floor - all mine!!

WBL - shoots I was on and did :)

This video was the behind the scenes of the christmas advert I was on, with the fake snow and things :)


We are still in the production stages of Noodles. We are hoping to finish tomorrow, but have booked thursday too for safety.
We are in the studios today uploading and checking footage, so if there are any hiccups we have two days to rectify it.

Last week we did the 'kitchen' scenes so we relocated to my dads house, arri lights in tow, and cooked lots of random things. We have had trouble with focusing in on extreme close ups, but Simon has just told us that we have to be about 2 and a half feet away otherwise it will be soft.

The thought of all the editing we have to do in the next two weeks is very daunting. We are prepared to be chained to final cut. And also to our own computers when we get home to do our reports!

But I am really enjoying working with Cathy D (HA!) and I feel we have worked very hard and well together. This semester has gone SO fast because we have been working so much. But I have really enjoyed it :)

Thursday 10 November 2011


Cat and I have been super super organised and busy. This is why I havn't blogged for a while...no time!!!
I have been invading Cats house most days for the past few weeks, we had been working on scripts, shot lists, schedules, we also went to town and bought all our props on tuesday and then emptied our own two houses for more set and prop, as well as stealing steve's put up bed!

We began our shoot yesterday, the video studio at campus is awesome, they have a dolly/track and rigged ceiling lights. Although it is in no way sound proof so we have had a lot of sound issues.

We were able to load in our set on tuesday night so we were ready to go yesterday morning, which was very helpful.

Although today we have had MAJOR stress today, hence why I am blogging and not shooting right now. We ran out of memory on our cards, we had prepared for this and had bought a spare card, but for some reason it does not work! We then tried to offload at the campus, but they don't have sony xd cam transfer software!! So then, we raced over to the studios (after having to get someone to unblock my car) and then Simon wasnt here so his office was locked so we couldnt get the cables!! But then, Dan Baugh, the genius, said, take the SD out and put it into the computer! But we could only offload one, as the other is locked into the reader.

Its so annoying that this has happened as we could not have been more organised for this shoot!

ANYWAY its finished, so back to the campus! ahhhhhhhhh.